Joordens Zaden BV is a specialist in forage- and green manure crops. Thanks to our own breeding station we offer a wide range of products. Among the different crops a clear distinction can be made between forage crops such as grasses, brassicas, and fodderbeets on the one hand, and green manure crops like white mustard, fodder radish, and phacelia on the other hand. By using the latest techniques and research methods, we are able to offer a wide range of varieties to modern agriculture.
Besides our own breeding and production we make use of a business network, to offer other species as well, which we do not produce ourselves. This enables us to help every customer to his full satisfaction.
Organic seeds
Besides traditionally produced agricultural seeds we also supply organically produced seeds. These are seeds, produced under biological circumstances and in harmony with nature. Organic seeds are produced without the application of chemicals or fertilizer. The seed production and processing are under control of SKAL, the Dutch supervisory organization of organic production methods. The SKAL-certificate can be downloaded here.
By applying the most sophisticated breeding technologies we have succeeded to implement resistances against a number of diseases and plagues. Examples include nematode resistance in white mustard (sinapis alba), fodder radish (raphanus sativus) and ryegrasses (lolium) and club root resistance in forage rape (brassica napus). Using these products enables the reduction of the nematode population or lowering the disease pressure. The results of this biological control can be the equivalent of the results of black fallow or chemical control by means of soil disinfection or spraying. However, the expenses are lower and the environment remains unaffected.
We supply all products which are mentioned on this website. Please contact us concerning agricultural seeds that have not been mentioned specifically.